…with a silent “h”

Success At Last

December 27, 2024

After nine months (off and on), I’ve finally worked out how to get great sound on my vocal tracks. I’ve used two different mics, and now I can get a great sounding vocal from either of them. My tools include better editing, better tone correction, and nicer effects. I have two different programs to use for mixing; which one I use depends on which effects I need to get the best sound.

I’ve been able to minimize the “ringing” sound in my vocals. I haven’t eliminated it on the van stereo; if I did that, they would sound dull elsewhere. My van stereo plays “ringing” sounds in vocals by other artists too, including Billy Joel and even Johnny Cash; I’ve gotten used to a certain amount of this, and it’s okay.

I’ve tried various tricks along the way, including saturation, and frankly, I didn’t like the results they gave me. I’m sticking with my tried-and-true methods, but with some refinements. If you like how my earlier albums sound (Come On, Kharlie M and The Child in You), take heart; upcoming albums won’t sound that much different, though maybe a little better.

The album, When Love Overtakes, will soon disappear from streaming media. Once it’s gone, I’ll announce a release date for its replacement, With These Songs We Wed. It contains the same 10 tracks but will sound better. Meanwhile, I’ll work on the next NEW album, Songs in the Key of M, as well as Wendi’s Gift, which will replace Especially for Wendi but with an extra new song.